One of the key things to consider as you set up a home classroom is how much space you have. Don’t worry if you don’t have a lot of space; you can still create an organized and inspiring home classroom by getting creative.
Your home classroom doesn’t even have to be a dedicated room; it can be a desk placed in the corner, under a lofted bed, or even in a closet. To avoid clutter that can serve as a distraction, keep books and supplies neatly put away in desk drawers or unused cabinets to help stay organized.
When you’re setting up classroom ideas for virtual school at home, remember it’s okay to move around through the day. Using different areas of your space for different subjects invites creativity. You can even complete lessons outside, which offers the added benefits of experiential learning opportunities.
If you do have more than one student or are part of a learning pod with other online students, allow enough space so they can work without bumping elbows. If you don’t have a work surface that is large enough, a sturdy folding table that can be put away after online school is done for the day will do the trick.