One strategy to gamify education is to frame it in terms of a quest made up of tasks students must complete to progress in the story. For example, they might beat the “boss” by completing each of the smaller steps. This also allows the student and Learning Coach or parent to get creative as they create a story for the project. These narratives don’t have to be brand new either. Equate the steps to parts of a classic fairy tale, for example.
Adding visuals from the “story” to a whiteboard or digital document can better immerse your student in the story and keep them excited about their quest project.
When you gamify an assignment, students are not only more engaged, but their attitude toward learning often improves. The more they relate to the story and the game, the more meaningful the assignment will become. Most importantly, gamification can improve learning outcomes, both now and in the future. After a student has completed a few assignments this way, they may start to see all assignments through the gaming lens.