The old saying that practice makes perfect is also true for giving presentations. Students should practice their presentation several times before the big day. Running through the presentation beforehand—even if it is just to themselves—can help them feel comfortable with the topic and the virtual presentation platform.
Practicing can also help them deliver their content in a way that doesn’t sound like they are reading off of a script, which can be boring for the audience. Students can practice voice inflections and learn how to remove repetitive filler words like “um” and “you know.” They can also hear how their words sound and work on any words or phrases that may be hard to pronounce.
If a student does not have a friend or family member to practice with, they might want to try recording themselves giving the presentation. That way, they can keep an eye on their mannerisms and vocal inflections as well as their camera and microphone quality. That way, they have time to make adjustments, if needed.